David Kusnet

Author, Speechwriter, Commentator

A former chief speechwriter for President Bill Clinton, David Kusnet has written five books about political, economic and social issues, as well as hundreds of articles for newspapers, magazines and websites.

In addition to working for President Clinton during his first campaign and first term, Kusnet was a speechwriter for two other Democratic presidential nominees. He was senior writer for a major government relations and public relations firm, communications director for a constitutional liberties organization, and directed communications in organizing campaigns and crisis situations for a major national union.

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Kusnet comments on current events in bylined articles and on cable and television programs. Working with clients on speeches and bylined content, he has drafted five National Press Club speeches and written op-ed pieces and other articles with more than 400 placements over five years. He has lectured and participated in panel discussions at universities and think tanks, including Georgetown University, American University, George Washington University, New York University, Purdue University and Missouri Baptist University, as well as the Economic Policy Institute and the New America Foundation.